Stew Smith's
Milk Heroes

"I'm a one of the biggest #MilkFanatics in the world. Always have been!" "I like to drink chocolate milk after a long and hard workout as it replenishes sugar, proteins, fat quickly and easily."
Stew Smith, USNA '91, Former United States Navy SEAL
**Watch Mr. Stew's awesome video below or HERE and remember that he drinks his chocolate milk. You should too. I don't even like cold showers. LOL**
This is an anthem to the Heroes of Tomorrow and is a dedication to the men and women in service of, or future service to the United States of America. These Heroes of Tomorrow most certainly include Police, Fire, EMS, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Merchant Marines, FBI, Secret Service, CIA and all other protectors of our freedom. (Like Todd Beamer and his team of heroes who perished in defense of their country on 9/11. Todd's battle cry of, "...let's roll!" brought his team up to speed and thwarted the evil plan of the enemy. They were just normal men and women who rose up to the highest level of honor and heroism." They might be your neighbor. They might be your friend. They might be from Canada, England, Italy or any other freedom loving country. Today they are just normal people who walk among us. But in an instant, they can become the American Heroes and they rise above us.
One More – Sunrise On The Heroes of Tomorrow
You see them all around you.
From every walk of life.
They might be someone’s brother.
They might be someone’s wife.
They might work at the grocery store, bagging up your food.
If they walk by you with their head held high please don’t think they’re rude.
They’ll never ask for anything, they only want to give.
So you can go to sleep tonight in the greatest place to live.
They’ll guard us and they’ll never rest. On this you can be sure.
The only thing we ask of them is they give us one more.
One more for the little ones one more for the old.
One more for the shy ones and one more for the bold.
One more for the daughters.
One more for the sons.
One more for the babies whose lives have just begun.
One more for the freedom of which we always sing.
One more for the young girl who wears a diamond ring.
One more for the ones who died, and those who stayed alive.
Who keep our country strong – where anyone can thrive.
One more for the ones who come from the land, air and sea.
So that we may always live in the land of the free.
One more for the good times, one more for the sorrow.
One more for the ones who’ll serve.
One more – for the Heroes of Tomorrow.
For more information about the Heroes of Tomorrow, click HERE.
The man in the pool of ice is Mr. Stew
Our Milk Heroes

Mr. Stew is daddy's Milk Hero. Daddy is OUR Milk Hero - Who is yours? - C&H

This is my Popeye grandfather. - C&H

This is our Happy Television director,
Sarge. He is a Military Policeman.