Does your restaurant or c-store sell milk or food made with milk products?
Do you own, operate, manage or provide marketing for Fine Dining, Casual Dining, Contemporary Casual, Quick Serve, Fast Food, Fast Casual, Cafeteria, Pizzeria, Steakhouse, All-you-can-eat, Family Style, Cafe, Buffet, Food Truck, Concession Stand, Drive-in, Drive-thru, Ethnic, or Pop-Up Restaurants?
Do you want or need a simple, fun and free international team loyalty program to attract and retain consumers of your milk, milk drinks, milkshakes, yogurt, pizza & cheese meals, desserts products and services?
Imagine your loyal customers walking through the front door, handing you their Milk Hall of Fame® Team Member Loyalty Program passport and shouting, "... more milk, pwease!" - "... more pizza, pwease!" - "... more milkshakes, pwease!" - "... more yogurt pwease!"
With your no-cost Milk Hall of Fame® Team Member Loyalty Program, members of The Mighty Moo Cows of the US Milk Drinking Team will keep coming back as you check off their passport, until they earn their loyalty reward.
There is no cost, fee or obligation to join your Milk Hall of Fame® Team Member Loyalty Program. Whether you have one, one hundred or one thousand locations, our downloadable and customizable Milk Hall of Fame® Team Member Loyalty Program will be the greatest use of your printer and a ream of paper.
Simple, Fun & Free
1. Sign up. HERE. (No cost or fee.)
2. Download Milk Hall of Fame® Team Member Loyalty Program Passport kit. HERE
3. Watch the fun video below that explains how simple, fun and easy it is to start and operate your restaurant's Milk Hall of Fame® Team Member Loyalty Program.
4. Tell us about your Milk Hall of Fame® Team Member Loyalty Program successes! HERE
Click Here for the free
Milk Hall of Fame®
World Famous Certificate Making Machine
- Now with multiple templates and your photos! -
No personal information or copy of the certificate is asked for or kept - anywhere.
Please keep your uploaded .PNG or .JPG file size less that 1MB or it will lag.
Milk Hall of Fame®
Bigger - Stronger - Smarter - More!
That's what we're here for!
To be eligible for the nominating process for
Milk Hall of Fame® Class of 2021 - 2022,
... the inductee must listen to their mother, father or caregiver
and to eat and drink their milk.
The members of the Milk Hall of Fame® will desire to learn about the fun and health benefits of drinking and eating their milk. The members will need to memorize and recite a Milk Hall of Fame® cheer for The Mighty Moo Cows!™. and or The Chocolate Moo Cows!™
Your child, teen, college kid or you, as an adult will join all the other esteemed Milk Hall of Fame® members from around the world and become part of:
Mighty Moo Cows!™ of The US Milk Drinking Team™
(Note: We will have a Milk Drinking Team in your country too.)
The Milk Hall of Fame® is all about the celebration of your best tasting milk, chocolate milk, banana milk, strawberry milk, double cheese pizzas, grilled cheese sandwiches, ice cream, milkshakes, cheeseburgers, cakes, pies, desserts, yogurt, ice cream cakes, cream cheese, cottage cheese, quesadillas, cheese, protein smoothies, cheese dip - and all the other happy things made with milk!
Tape their Milk Hall of Fame® Official Certificate in a place of honor right on the front of your refrigerator to remind them to drink & eat their milk every day. You may also email us a PDF of your Milk Hall of Fame® Official Certificate and we will try to show it on an upcoming episode of Happy Television.
Make sure that they learn the Milk Hall of Fame® cheers! Go Cows - GO!
Post photo or video of your induction ceremony on Twitter #MilkHallOfFame and we will try show it on Happy Television™. Important - Make sure you have absolutely NO music in the background - or we cannot review it on Happy Television from YouTube. YouTube doesn't like when you include music or TV shows in the background.