You are only allowed to be on this page if you are 16 or older unless you have adult supervision. Thanks - Bethany♥

Special MHoF Spirit Wear notice: Due to many awesome requests, we are allowing any and all teams and organizations to call themselves the "Mighty Moo Cows!", or the "Chocolate Moo Cows!". If your team (football, baseball, basketball, fishing, cheer, pep, hockey, soccer, or even if your school or preschool needs a new team name or mascot) we think it would be great if you called yourselves the "Mighty Moo Cows!", or the "Chocolate Moo Cows!"It is humbling and our pleasure. Please take a video of your "Mighty Moo Cows Cheer Battle" and post it with the winning team hashtag (#TeamEatYourMilk, #TeamDrinkYourMilk or #TeamIceCreamDoesntKnow) and send us the link. You may use our original graphics and fonts however you wish on uniforms and or signs. Post pics with your #MightyMooCows and #ChocolateMooCows. Thanks - Bethany♥
Click HERE for our high resolution Mighty Moo Cows team graphics, or you can purchase MMC Team Gear at our MHoF Store. Either ways is fine. We just want to hear the roar of The Mighty Moo Cows around the world! Go Cows GO!

Eat your milk!
Mackin' the Mouse
Serious and smart
Loves to wear favorite Mighty Moo Cows uniform all the time.
Loves cheese.
Friends call him "Mackin' Cheese" because he loves cheese so much.
Loves barbecued "mac n' cheese".
Favorite flavors of cheese:
1. American
2. Mozzarella
3. Cheese ice cream
4. Cream cheese
Always says, "Eat your milk!"
Show your Mighty Moo Cows and Chocolate Moo Cows team spirit with these children's and adult t-shirts and accessories.
Store HERE
You can adjust your Spirit Wear and add or take away things like size, color, name, etc.,. (cool)
Click on photo for more information and to make customizations.
Join our mailing list and keep up to date with our latest releases and news. A portion of all sales goes to the creation a a physical Milk Hall of Fame ;-)
A portion of our proceeds goes to milk nutrition information and assistance in Indonesia with the help of our best friend, Mentol. She is wonderful.
DRINK your milk!
Lovey the Cow
Great singer and artist.
Loves to wear favorite Mighty Moo Cows cape.
Loves making milk.
Friends call her "Lovey Cow".
Favorite flavors of milk:
1. Milk flavored.
2. Apple cinnamon flavored.
3. Chocolate flavored.
4. Strawberry.
Always says, "Lovey My Milk!"
Puts a tiny "y" in our Love my Milk slogan so it says "Lovey My Milk!"
I Don't KNOW!
Ice Cream the Penguin (Child size)
Waddles like a penguin, 'cause he's a penguin.
Thinks he's a cow.
Moos like a penguin would sound if it tried to sound like a cow.
Came to the MHoF because he loves ice cream and wants to be near where ice cream comes from.
Favorite flavors of ice cream:
1. Blueberry flavored.
2. Fish flavored.
3. Peppermint flavored.
4. Blackberry & chocolate chips.
Doesn't know weather he likes to "eat his milk" or "drink his milk"
Always trying to "moo" to sound like his teammates.
I DOnt't KNow!
Ice Cream the Penguin (Adult size)
Waddles like a penguin, 'cause he's a penguin.
Thinks he's a cow.
Moos like a penguin would sound if it tried to sound like a cow.
Came to the MHoF because he loves ice cream and wants to be near where ice cream comes from.
Favorite flavors of ice cream:
1. Blueberry flavored.
2. Fish flavored.
3. Peppermint flavored.
4. Blackberry & chocolate chips.
Doesn't know weather he likes to "eat his milk" or "drink his milk"
Always trying to "moo" to sound like his teammates.
MhOF Baseball Cap
(One size fits all) Click HERE
Show your MHoF Team Colors every day with this awesome Milk Hall of Fame ball cap. Click through and you can change out the colors to any variation you like, Really nice quality for all members of The Mighty Moo Cows. Go Cows, GO!