1. Name our newest Mighty Moo Cows team member.
From our press release: “Due to popular demand, The Milk Hall of Fame has selected an almond milk drinking, fun squirrel as the newest team member of The Mighty Moo Cows,” stated Bethany Buettner, founder of The Milk Hall of Fame. “We love our dairy milk and drink it all the time, but recently a child asked us if they can be a member of The Milk Hall of Fame if all they are allowed to drink is almond milk. A slogan The Milk Hall of Fame always uses is, ‘All are welcome’. We want to ensure that all children and adults can feel happy and welcome as members of The Milk Hall of Fame.”
This contest will be in 2 parts. You may utilize one or both parts.
The $150.00 prize will be awarded only for the naming portion
in accordance with our rules and regulations.
We will send random submitters Mighty Moo Cows t-shirts with our new squirrel buddy.
Fill out and submit a cool squirrel name using our "Name Our Mighty Moo Cows Squirrel" form below. If yours is the first submission received with the name we use, we will consider that you were the namer of our team squirrel. We will use the timestamp associated to confirm the original namer.
We will pick a bunch of potential names and then ask our team members to select the best one. We will report on this during live episodes of Happy Television.
2. What type of Mighty Moo Cows squirrel should Bethany draw as a cartoon character?
We found a bunch of squirrel types. (We were amazed that "prairie dogs" are in the squirrel family.) Select a number corresponding to the squirrel that you like best and submit.
Bethany will draw her characterized version of the most popular squirrel type and we will give it the winning name on a live episode of Happy Television. We will award the namer of our newest Mighty Moo Cows team member; live on Happy Television! Exciting!
Click Here for the free
Milk Hall of Fame
World Famous Certificate Making Machine
- Now with multiple templates and your photos! -
No personal information or copy of the certificate is asked for or kept - anywhere.
Please keep you uploaded .PNG or .JPG file size less that 1MB or it will lag.

Here is everyone's best friend Karly. She's a lifetime member of The Milk Hall of Fame. She's a wonderful artist. She braids her own hair. She laces her own shoes. She LOVES her milk (and almond milk). Her favorite member of The Mighty Moo Cows!™ is Milken the Cat™ (It used to be Mackin' the Mouse™). Karly is on #TeamEatYourMilk™. Her mommy & daddy just inducted her into The Milk Hall of Fame™. Her Milk Hall of Fame™ Membership Certificate is taped on her fridge. Milk now OWNS the fridge! I love how Karly says, "pwease". She is my BFF! - Love, Bethany
Fun Note: Post a video of your Milk Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on YouTube. Include #MoreMilkPwease in the title and I will work hard to show it on Happy Television.
(Make sure there is NO music at all in the background our we cannot show it on Happy Television.
Thanks. Bethany)