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Team Gear

Milk Hall of Fame

Discovery Center


"Fueled by chocolate milk!"


Milk & More!

  • Are you really trying to build a physical Milk Hall of Fame? (Watch this first!)
    So glad that you asked. Watch the video that we made with our sister doing the voiceovers. Note: She is the voice of "Bella" saying our slogan.
  • What is The Milk Association™, The Milk Hall of Fame®, The U.S. Milk Drinking Team™, & The Mighty Moo Cows!™
    People ask, "Why did you create The Milk Association™, The Milk Hall of Fame® The U.S. Milk Drinking Team™, & The Mighty Moo Cows!™ (Go Cows GO!)?" Our question is: "... why didn't somebody already create them? Our slogan says it all. Six BILLION child, teen and adult Milk Fanatics™ are all shouting out in their own languages: "... more milk, pwease?"™​ & "... milk makes me!"™ Globally, the diverse milk industry Is a one TRILLION dollar "team lifestyle brand" that has yet to be recognized, realized and/or marketed to. It is the mission of The Milk Association™ and Milk Hall of Fame®, LLC. to passionately change and evolve this, for 6 billion #MilkFanatics around the world.
  • Tell us about "The Future is Milk!"
    Due to the world becoming such a small place; we are only now learning about milk traditions around the world. Recent court rulings are now allowing all types of new variations of milk. This is the future. The future is milk!
  • Our children are into Roblox. Tell us about your YouTube channel.
    Check out all of our Awesome Roblox Youtube videos! Click Here
  • What do you mean by, "... your milk?" Isn't there just 1 milk?
    Our global Milk Hall of Fame® & Milk Drinking Team™ of Milk Fanatics™ consume so many diverse varieties of #YourMilk available around the #WorldOfMilk. We celebrate milk diversity with a global variety of dairy, non-dairy and plant based milk. Each delicious type of #YourMilk has its own nutrition values. It is best to talk about #YourMilk with knowledgeable nutrition professionals in your town, city, state and country. Click HERE to learn more.
  • Are you really teenagers? How did you come up with this?
    Yes. We are boy/girl twins with a younger brother. We live in Maryland, USA. HERE is our incredible story.
  • Tell us about your slogans for the worldwide milk industry.
    Just imagine that in a 1 TRILLION dollar consumer lifestyle industry there is no branded merchandise, no characters and NO international slogan. Until we figured this out; it was true. We came up with "... more milk, pwease?"™ because it sounded so sweet and nice. Then we realized it can be "... more ice cream, pwease?™," "... more chocolate milk, pwease!™," "... more pizza, pwease!™," as well as "... more grilled cheese, pwease?™" and "... more computer time, pwease!™" Great slogan; huh?
  • Tell us about licensing your characters.
    Imagine that you are walking in the forest and happen upon a beautiful, and heretofore unseen & undiscovered gilded castle that has been hiding in plain sight for 100 years. You walk up to the castle and at the front door there is an envelope. You open the envelope to find a note that says, "Congratulations bold disruptor! You have discovered the castle which has been hidden in plain sight. It is full of treasures and valuable artifacts beyond belief and your wildest imagination. These treasures will be ravenously desired by 6 BILLION #MilkFanatics around the world. By reading this letter, and being, or wanting to be a disruptor in the consumer product licensing industry; it can all be yours. All you have to do is sing The Mighty Moo Cows™ cheer!" You have discovered a new lifestyle brand in the only untapped, unmarketed & un-licensed TRILLION dollar worldwide consumer product licensing industry where none has ever existed! The Milk Hall of Fame, LLC. welcomes esteemed licensing disruptors who wish to be one of the first to tap the ONLY, trusted lifestyle brand in the heretofore unrecognized & un-licensed TRILLION-dollar, (yes, TRILLION-dollar) global consumer lifestyle industry with 6 BILLION #MilkFanatics. HERE is a link to our licensing information.
  • Is this a nutrition website?
    We think of our website as a place of discovery. We like to refer any nutrition information to parents, guardians and caregivers around the world. We do have a fun explanation of many ~ if not all of the known milk types and styles around the world. It is a good jumping off spot to learn about #YourMilk Click HERE to discover more.

World Famous

By teens; for teens ~

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Unsolicited Testimonials


I am so glad I found this website. Now my three children are members of the United States Milk Drinking Team and Milk Hall of fame. They are no longer finicky eaters. They are part of a team. It's like a family. Around my house I hear "... go cows go!" all day long. Even I say "... more milk, pwease?" - Andrea S., North Carolina

Andrea S.


Tracy P.

A friend of mine was so happy that she was able to tell me this discovery. I am always telling her about things, and now she was able to tell me. My only thought is why am I just hearing about this now? So glad that I am. I have told all of my friends. - Tracy P., Michigan, USA


We are now a house full of Mighty Moo Cows. I have never been so happy for something that cost nothing. Great job to the Milk Association (finally)! Go cows go! - Kurt L., Idaho

Kurt L.

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